Reflections of a Punk




            Reflections of a Punk is a series of short stories highlighting pivotal personal experiences of Adrian Redd, a gay, black youth growing up in the South during the sixties.  They are arranged chronologically, though each could conceivably stand alone, focusing on some memorable aspect of Adrian's development.  As this is a first effort, it is, of course, autobiographical.


            Essay - 1                     "Prologue"

                                                An attempt to explain the purpose of the book.


            Essay - 2                     "Awakening"

                                                Earliest memories from about two years old to first grade


            Essay - 3                     "Sheer Magic"

                                                Explains the role of religion in Adrian's development


            Essay - 4                     "Paper Route"

                                                Adrian encounters first real taste of prejudice and sex


            Essay - 5                     "The Way of the World"

                                                Reactions to the death of Martin Luther King, exposure to

                                                suicide,  and unfair conviction of his best friend.


            Essay - 6                     "First Love"

                                                First time Adrian falls in love


            Essay - 7                     "Anatomy of a Graduation"

                                                High school graduation


            Essay - 8                     "Caution: Polluted Air - Breathe at Own Risk"

                                                Chronicles the decisive moment for Adrian and his brother, Elliott.


            Essay - 9                     "Epilogue"